How to Deposit Data

Esophageal and Pharyngeal Manometry Data Upload Instructions

Please consider the following instructions when uploading data to the Manobank:

  1. Prepare your manometric/impedance data for upload
    1. Only de-identified data will be allowed in the Manobank archive
    2. Only text files will be accepted for upload to the ManoBank archive
    3. One manometric event per uploaded file, usually the event is a swallow
    4. Text files of pressure and impedance data must by in column format with column 1 being the elapsed study time, columns 2 through 37 being pressure of each manometric channel at the time specified in column 1 and the remaining columns (usually 18 columns) being measurements of each impedance channel at the time specified in column 1
    5. Fortunately, the data export features in MMS (Laborie, Williston, Vermont, USA) and Manoscan (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA) software packages produce the desired text files in the format required by ManoBank with no patient identifying data
    6. In both MMS and Manoscan programs, the data shown within a display window is saved in the format described above by using the “ Export-ASCII code “ feature in the MMS software or the “File-Save Selected Data” feature in the Manoscan software
    7. The display window techniques described above allow the user to include all relevant aspects of the isocontour data while also limiting the amount of data to the time shown in the display window
    8. Usually, esophageal swallow data is saved in a 30 second window and pharyngeal data is saved in a 5 second window
    9. Individual files must be named with the following naming convention: type_volume_repetition.txt.  For example: your first 5ml water swallow would be named W_5_001.txt
    10. Once the manometric events have been saved in individual files, these files may be uploaded to the Manobank archive.
  2. To make a deposit in the ManoBank, a user must have registered to create an account
  3. Navigate to the upload portion of the ManoBank website by clicking “Login
  4. Login with your username and password
  5. Click on the “Make a Deposit” button on the upper right hand portion of the website
  6. For each subject, fill out the demographics questionnaire for an individual subject/study then upload the subject data after which you may click “Make a Deposit” again to upload data for another event
  7. To upload
    1. Open a folder on your computer with the individual text files of the events you saved using the export features described above
    2. Highlight all the files to be uploaded by scrolling the mouse to circumscribe the files or use the Ctrl-mouse click method to select multiple files
    3. Drag the selected files to hover over the “Drop files here” area at the bottom of the deposit form
    4. Uploaded file names will begin to display below the “Drop files here”
  8. When all the files have been uploaded, remember to click “Submit” on the form.
  9. If you wish to deposit more data, click “Make a Deposit” again